14 Apr Programmation préliminaire : des projets artistiques et des ateliers !
ISEA2020 dévoile la programmation préliminaire : des projets artistiques et des ateliers...
ISEA2020 dévoile la programmation préliminaire : des projets artistiques et des ateliers...
Discover the preliminary programming of Artworks and Workshops...
Profitez du tarif LÈVE-TÔT avant le 1 Mai...
Enjoy the EARLY-BIRD rate before August 13!...
ISEA2020—like most gatherings, research opportunities, and events of all kinds—has been put on hold due to the novel coronavirus pandemic spreading throughout most of the globe. ...
ISEA2020—like most gatherings, research opportunities, and events of all kinds—has been put on hold due to the novel coronavirus pandemic spreading throughout most of the globe. The circumstances most of us are currently living under haven’t been seen in a generation and it seems now,...
POSTPONEMENT NOTICE - ISEA2020 New Dates: October 13 to 18, 2020...
AVIS DE REPORT - ISEA2020 Nouvelles dates : Du 13 au 18 octobre 2020...
ISEA2020 Appel à modérateurs...
Call for Moderators ISEA2020...